Poktan Mangrove Wonorejo Rungkut On Air in RRI Surabaya

I was curious and wondering, what if I tell story about journey of Poktan Mangrove. Ya, I still try to collect my memory, how wonderful and how amazing it when I joined.

Poktan Mangrove Wonorejo develop their wings. Many invitations resulted in many activities that must be lived well. We did the conservation of mangrove by persuade people by indoors activities, beside outdoors. One of the indoor activities is broadcasting on radio, telling people about the importance of mangrove. And RRI Surabaya invited us. I did and I enjoyed became a part of Poktan Mangrove Wonorejo. 

Did preparation by read...something

From Poktan Mangrove Wonorejo, Mr. Soni Mohson as our leader invited me and Mr. Dadang to joined.

The radio announcer was so funny, humble and serious about what we talked. I hope he could take care of the mangrove environment.

And I remember, he so serious when he asked me, "Why do you enjoy this activities, whereas you are a woman?". I just smiled. He continued, "And you seems not strong. Are you not afraid to be black skin?". I smiled broadly while Mr. Soni and Mr. Dadang laughed.

My answer, "I never feel this activity bothering me, or my skin. I enjoyed it very much. I am aware that mangrove environment is very important to be saved, since Indonesia has the third longest coastline in the world and it should have the world's largest mangrove area. Why it should? Because currently only about less than 60% of the remaining mangroves. So..", I smiled. The announcer smiled back and gave me an applouse, Mr. Soni and Mr. Dadang also gave me an applause. I was shy.. Allah...!

This activity ends with conclusions and suggestions from the announcer, conscious with the mangrove environment can be evidenced by contributing activities planting and or support punitive measures for illegal mangrove logging.

So, what do you do if you have a consciousness about environment especially mangrove? Tell me :)

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