This is a post which very very late post. The half me said that I have to share this happiness to all of my blog reader, but the others said no. Long time I thinking about this, I decide to share this happiness. I just want to post my happiness, hope you enjoy it.
September 29th, 2017.
I'm very grateful for what I got until now. Age, maturity, family, a husband, a baby (still not launching yet), turtles, friends, presents. Alhamdulillah, big thanks to Allah SWT.
Honestly, when I face to face with my notebook, I do not have any idea to write, to post one article about my birthday in my blog. So, it might be a little bit awkward graffiti on your wall.
I'm very grateful my parents get healthy, my sister get her dream job.
I'm very grateful there are my best friends still around me, ready to catch me if I call someday.
I'm very grateful my turtles get bigger body and still love each others, oh it so romantic.
I'm very grateful I got birthday presents on this month (September) that I never thought or even dream to catch it.
Above all of that, I'm very grateful because I'm married and I get an active baby in my tummy. I already to be a wife and I will be a mom. It is so funtastic, amazing moment more than I imagine.
I get a husband who can make my day like roller coaster. He leads me, he gives me some advice, he accompany me whenever I want to go, and he buys everything I need or I want. It is like I get another me, my mirror, my other half, my soulmate. I respect on him, I love him.
Also having a baby make me feel wonderful too. I enjoy becoming a mom. I try to keep my baby safe and comfortable in my tummy. I always eat so my baby can eat too. I also keep my mood on happy so my baby can feel my happiness too. I do my best for him/her, even actually I still confuse what I have to do to be a mom.
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Thank you husband |
I get a husband who can make my day like roller coaster. He leads me, he gives me some advice, he accompany me whenever I want to go, and he buys everything I need or I want. It is like I get another me, my mirror, my other half, my soulmate. I respect on him, I love him.
Also having a baby make me feel wonderful too. I enjoy becoming a mom. I try to keep my baby safe and comfortable in my tummy. I always eat so my baby can eat too. I also keep my mood on happy so my baby can feel my happiness too. I do my best for him/her, even actually I still confuse what I have to do to be a mom.
So, I do not have any reason to stop my grateful to Allah, because Allah always give what I need. Alhamdulillah...
I hope you all get everything you need. Always feeling grateful. Do not stop praying. And be your self.
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Love, Lisa.